January 17, 2025

4 Reasons Why Hiring a Recruitment Marketing Agency is Beneficial

As a business owner, one of your most important assets is your team or your employees. However, hiring employees can be a very daunting task, especially if you’ve just started your business and you don’t know where to begin. Most business owners like to job boards to find employees, but hiring a recruitment agency may be a better idea for most businesses. Here are four reasons why you would benefit from hiring a recruitment marketing agency.

#1: Wider Reach: Active vs. Passive Job-Seekers

Active Candidates

Candidates who are constantly looking for a job are known as active candidates, and these are the people who are usually targeted when recruiting new employees. According to LinkedIn, this is about 25% of candidates and they’re actively seeking employment due to reasons such as:

Employer went out of business
Job was outsourced
Looking for a new challenge

Active candidates are almost always looking to job boards for their next position, but recruitment marketing agencies can reach these types of candidates as well.

Passive Candidates

On the other hand, the other 75% of candidates are passive job-seekers. This means that they may or may not be current employees— they usually are, but either way, they’re not actively looking for new employment. The reason passive candidates should not be ignored is that they’re likely not interviewing with someone else, meaning that you have a better chance of getting them to work for you. Recruitment agencies know how to appeal to passive candidates to find the best talent for your company.

There are also candidates who fall in between active and passive, where they may not be applying to jobs, but they are listening out for new opportunities. This is a group that recruitment agencies know how to appeal to as well.

#2: Superior Candidates

Keep in mind that not all active, passive, or candidates in between are going to be the best fit for your company— they still have to be screened and meet certain requirements. This is also where a recruitment marketing agency comes in. Even if you know where to look for the different types of job-seekers, you still have to find the most qualified ones (which is a huge challenge if you’re a startup), and a recruitment agency will also do this part for you. They know the best way(s) to screen and interview candidates before bringing you the best talent.

#3: Quicker Hiring

The recruitment process can be a very long and drawn-out ordeal— especially if you’re doing it on your own. The most common way that business owners advertise for a job is by posting on a job board, such as Indeed. After posting the job description, you must screen candidates by going through their resumes and calling references— and then there’s the interviewing process after you’ve made your selection.

When you hire a recruitment marketing company, they do all of this work for you. This means your hiring process now becomes much quicker than before. Recruitment agencies have created a talent pool (a group of qualified individuals that they continue to nurture and help grow in their professional skills) where they can quickly pull qualified individuals for employment.

#4: Familiarity with the Market

Recruitment marketing companies have immense knowledge of the recruitment sector of marketing, which is very similar to regular consumer marketing. When you’re marketing your business towards consumers, you’re trying to get them to purchase a product and/or service from you, as opposed to purchasing from your competitors. It’s a similar strategy when marketing your business (as a place of employment) to the different types of job seekers, and recruitment experts know how to take your company’s brand and market it toward them.

With that being said, you’ll want to choose a recruitment marketing agency that knows your specific industry well. Some agencies may specialize in one area, while others have accumulated a vast knowledge of many different sectors— which is helpful if you own more than one type of business.

This is one investment worth making when it comes to your small businesses). Even if you’ve already successfully grown your business, you can still benefit from using recruitment marketing services. When you have more time to focus on other business tasks, you’ll have the opportunity to grow your business even more. So look into hiring a recruitment marketing agency— even if you’re not actively hiring employees— as it will be one of the best decisions you can make for your business.

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